Presidio Sponsor:
Mission Bay Sponsor:

The 10th International Congress of Natural Products Research (ICNPR)
The 10th ICNPR will take place in San Francisco, CA from July 25 to 30, 2020, in the region that is known to be the birthplace and the center of the worldwide biotechnology industry. ICNPR 2020 is expected to be one of the largest gatherings of scientists involved in natural products and related fields from nearly every continent. Fields represented include chemistry (all disciplines), biology (all disciplines), pharmaceuticals, herbal products/nutraceuticals, agriculture, traditional medicines, and analytical techniques. Seven societies representing the US, Europe and Asia will sponsor ICNPR 2020, but attendance is open to anyone with an interest in natural products research.
Sponsoring Societies
- Association Francophone pour l’Enseignement et la Recherche en Pharmacognosie (AFERP)
- American Society of Pharmacognosy (ASP, organizing society)
- Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research (GA)
- Japanese Society of Pharmacognosy (JSP)
- Korean Society of Pharmacognosy (KSP)
- Phytochemical Society of Europe (PSE)
- Italian Society of Phytochemistry and the Science of Medicinal, Food and Fragrant Plants (SIF)
For current information, visit:
ICNPR welcomes the participation of companies and organizations as Sponsors or Exhibitors. A range of opportunities are possible, and are listed below:
ICNPR 2020 Sponsorship Levels
The sponsorship levels for ICNPR 2020 are named after major landmarks in San Francisco.
Golden Gate Presenting Sponsor (1 at $50K)
Includes designation as the “Presenting Sponsor of the ICNPR 2020” to appear on all Congress print and digital literature.*
Opportunity for a brief greeting in the reception (or first day opening)*
Two full registrations
One 12’ exhibit table (2x standard size)
Full page color ad in digital meeting program & ASP Newsletter
Conference Bag Insert
Conference attendee list
Company image on website, electronic displays, mobile app and ICNPR email blasts
*Exclusively for the Presenting Sponsor
Embarcadero Sponsors (up to 3 @ $25K each)
Two full registrations
One 12’ exhibit table (2x standard size)
Full page color ad in digital meeting program & ASP Newsletter
Conference Bag Insert
Conference attendee list
Designated Sponsor of one of the following events:
-the Younger Member’s Event
-the ICNPR 2020 Closing Banquet
-the ICNPR Signature Event “An Evening at the California Academy of Sciences”
– selection of the event wil be on a first choice basis
Company image on website, electronic displays, mobile app and ICNPR email blasts
Presidio Sponsor ($15K)
One full registration
One 6’ exhibitor table
Designated Sponsor of one Topical Symposium
1/2 page color ad in digital meeting program
Conference Bag Insert
Conference attendee list
Company image on website, electronic displays, mobile app and ICNPR email blasts
Bay Bridge Sponsor ($7.5K)
Two 50% discounted registrations
Designated sponsor of one coffee break or one poster session.
1/2 page color ad in digital meeting program
Conference Bag Insert
Conference attendee list
Company image on website, electronic displays, mobile app and ICNPR email blasts
Mission Bay Sponsor ($5K)
Two 50% discounted registrations
Conference Bag Insert
Conference attendee list
Company image on website, electronic displays, mobile app and ICNPR email blasts
General Sponsor ($1000 – $2500)
Company image on website, electronic displays, mobile app and ICNPR email blasts.
Add On – Conference Bag Insert – $500/insert
Additional Sponsorship Opportunity Add-Ons (inquire):
Special “Vincatini Ceremony during the Opening Reception
ICNPR 2020 Logo room keycards for Hyatt guest rooms.
Sponsored charging ports
Directional signs (Free standing and floor pads)
If you are interested in being a Sponsor or Exhibitor for ICNPR 2020, see the link below:
ICNPR 2020 Sponsorship/Exhibitor Form
If you have questions about being a Sponsor or Exhibitor, please contact Laura Stoll, ASP Business Manager at:
If you have general questions about ICNPR 2020, contact:
ICNPR 2020 Exhibition
In addition to an exciting and progressive scientific program, ICNPR will host an Exhibition in our meeting venue, the Hyatt Regency San Francisco at Embarcadero Center. The Exhibition dates are from Sunday, July 26 to Wednesday, July 29.
For those who have exhibited in prior ASP meetings, it is important to note that the ICNPR will have 2-3 times greater attendance than an ASP meeting, and will be a much broader audience, both domestically and internationally. We also plan to engage the Bay Area biotech industry who are in close proximity to our meeting. For reference, ICNPR 2012 in New York City involved 1,300 attendees – we expect a similar or larger number for San Francisco.
Two types of exhibits are possible: one 6’ table or a 12’ table. Exhibitors may supply their own booth to corresponding to one of these sizes (inquire for other sizes).
If your Exhibit reservation and payment is received by Dec 30, 2019, the discounted pricing for the Exhibition Tables will be:
6’ Table $2000
12’ Table $3250
Exhibition reservations and payment made after Dec 30, 2019:
6’ Table $2500
12’ Table $3750
Exhibitor Add-on – Conference Bag Insert – $500/insert
A limited number of Exhibit Tables may be available in a very high traffic area directly adjacent to the main Ballroom. Inquire if interested. Exhibitors will have their company image on the ICNPR 2020 website, electronic displays, and ICNPR published material.
If you are interested in being a Sponsor or Exhibitor for ICNPR 2020 please see the link below:
ICNPR 2020 Sponsorship/Exhibitor Form
If you have questions about being a Sponsor or Exhibitor, please contact Laura Stoll (ASP Business Manager)
If you have general questions about ICNPR 2020, contact: